Why 10 digit ??


Most of us get confused about why our mobile number is 10 digit. Why it shouldn't be 2or 3or 4? Some people don't know why 10 digits? People with curious minds are very much interested to know about the fact. To know the secret of 10 digits mobile number in India read the full article.

Maths is one of the nightmares of so many of the people. But, here it is the only solution for our answer. The easiest topic in maths is permutations and Combinations. So with the use of that concept, our mobile number contains 10 digits. 

If our mobile number is:

  • 1 digit:  It is useful for 10 members.
  • 2 digits: It is useful for 100 members.
  • 3 digits: It is useful for 1000 members.
  • 4 digits: It is useful for 10000 members.
  • 5 digits: It is useful for 100000 members.
  • 6 digits: It is useful for 1000000 members.
  • 7 digits: It is useful for 10000000 members. 
  • 8 digits: It is useful for 100000000 members.
  • 9 digits: It is useful for 1000000000 members.
  • 10 digits:  It is useful for 10000000000 members.

India's population is more than 130 crores. After some years it will increase to 150 or more than 150 crores. So, 10 digits are very comfortable and everyone can use a hand full of sim cards. This decision was taken in 2003. In the olden days, every mobile number starts with 9. The numbers are almost over. So at present, the numbers are starting with 7, 8, and 6. In the future, we can get numbers starting with 1,2 and 3.  

The reason behind the 10 digits... 


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DAILY HIGH: 2360.00
DAILY LOW: 2281.95
BUY PRICE: 2292.90


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SILVER: 68621.00 (693.00)

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SENSEX: 38756.63(-97.92)



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